Mujeres Activas en Letra y Cambio Social is proud to announce the new members of the Executive and Coordinating Committees, elected at the 2015 Summer Institute Members’ Meeting.
Our newly elected officers are:
- Chair Elect: Judith Flores Carmona
- Recording Secretary:Â Jean Aguilar-Valdez
- Treasurer: Lisa-Justine Hernandez
- Membership Coordinator: Vanessa Fonseca
- At-large Representatives: Martha Acevedo and Dora Lopez  Mata
Due to personal reasons AÃda Hurtado had to resign as Chair-elect. The Coordinating Committee decided that Nohemy Solórzano-Thompson would stay one more year as Chair and that Rita Urquijo-Ruiz would remain one more year as Ex-Officio.
Our Caucuses also elected new representatives who will serve on the Coordinating Committee. We welcome:
- Isabel Millan, LBTQ Caucus
- Lilly Castrellon and Tiffany Gonzalez, Graduate Caucus
The representatives from the WINC Caucus (Egla Martinez, Stephanie Fetta, Cristina Rose) were not able to attend the Summer Institute, and no new representatives were elected.
Lastly, Seline Szkupinski Quiroga was appointed Webjefa.
More information on all members of MALCS leadership can be found on the Leadership page.
Just a thank you note from us all, to the organizers of the many individual events, the presenters for amazing work, and the committees that continue to be the brazos of MALCS…yes, it is hard work, but it is honest work, good work…thanks UNM!